Friday, August 29, 2008

week whatever (10 and 11 maybe??) on jewish nazis, my first day off, and how irony defines my life...

Hello though and thank you for attempting to suffer through yet another installment of my blog. Okay so I'll start off with saying I am now the world's slowest long distance biker. I bought that 65 dollar bike from the pawn shop about um 3 weeks ago I guess. And, it goes alright and serves its purpose... but, man!, I feel sooooo slow. When I ride to work in the morning, everyone and their mom passes me. I'm talking people who are 20 years older, overweight, and probably heavy smokers. And they pass me like I'm going backwards. At first I thought this was because I just wasn't used to biking. But, almost 3 weeks in and my biking hasn't improved, and I'm now thinking it's because my bike doesn't have the need for speed (or the ability for speed) that these other bikes do. I mean, 9 of the 10 people who pass me couldn't run 2 miles if their lives depended upon it... it just makes me sad to feel so slows. But I do now have QUADS OF STEEL! and crazy amounts of lactic acid built up in my legs all the time. And well if it weren't for the ticket I got last sunday (yes, I got a ticket on my bike...) this would be a great money saver. However, I did get a ticket for not having my helmet on. Yep, it's a full blown law here. And it didn't matter that I could literally see where I was going from when I got on my bike. I still got "pulled over" and got a traffic ticket. Hmm, wow.
On a different note, and the main reason I wasn't overly concerned about said bike ticket was my new and mostly fantabulous waitressing job. I mentioned it in my last blog, but I am still quit enamored with this job. All my fellow waitresses and one fellow waiter seem wonderful and understanding and efficient (with one or two exceptions) and, I made 18 bucks in tips one night, plus 2 bottles of wine, plus a piece of cake... mm yum. And, every once in awhile (well pretty much every night I work) I get a free margarita. Hurray. So, as far as I can tell, this one is a keeper. Oh, and on Wednesday night, which was a fun, semi busy night at FIESTA, one of my co-workers Jade (who is like second in command I guess, but not really) told another one of my co-workers, Kim (who's very friendly and smiley, but also very good at the whole waitressing thing) to stop being so fidgety and running around so much, and Kim said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I just learned never to stand still at my old job. My boss, well she was like this Jewish Nazi" (she paused here) "Oh wait, that doesn't sound right...But well she was, she was a nazi... and Jewish" Apparently Kim used to work at a beauty therapy place.... hmm yeah, sounds like it caters to a certain income group for sure. And the woman who ran it was not very pleasant.
I let Ryan fill in for me today at the day job, and I am sitting at home on the couch at 1030 (don't think this has ever happened before). I'm going to an AFL game later today and I'm super excited about this. I do have to work tonight, but I look forward to working at FIESTA, so it's no big deal.
Now that I've covered the Jewish Nazi and my day off (hurray day off) I will discuss what I see as Karma's way of showing me I haven't done anything too bad, or what could just be one of the most amusing instances of irony in the history of life. So, the last blog I wrote was written at Mag Nation a magazine store, where i got a large cookie and coffee for 5 dollars. In order to get said coffee and cookie, I had to fill out a raffley ticket type thing. It was totally uninteresting to me, something about Melbourne Fashion Week, blah blah blah. I have very very little fashion sense and even less interest in fashion. So later when I looked at the raffle ticket stub i thought, "Hmm 500 dollars in shopping and 150 dollars to ALDO shoe store, and tickets to a fashion parade... If I won that I wouldn't even know what to do with it, that would be hilarious". Yesterday I was riding the world's slowest bike to my second job of the day (coaching) and i felt my phone vibrate. I thought it might be my coaching boss with information about practice or equipment or something. So I stopped an answered. At first I was sure it was someone either telemarketing or telling me I owed them money (neither one a very exciting prospect). However, it turned out to be someone from the Melbourne fashion department telling me, yes me the switzerland of fashion, that i had won the prize... uhhh. I don't think I gave her the excited response she was looking for. I pondered for a split second (unable to remember where and when I had actually entered into such an absurd raffle) and then figured it out, and in my uncultured American accent said, "Oh sweet, that's awesome, thanks". Yeah, she was probably thinking, "Oh god, who have we just given this prize to???" But anyway I have tickets for about every night this week for some sort of fashion experience, a one night stay in a hotel for next friday (i'm working unfortunately, and 500 dollars worth of vouchers to a ritzy shopping center in Melbourne...
haha, so first of all, if you don't see the irony and hilarity in this situation, you need help. Second of all, I've had some very dicey luck recently (the traffic ticket, losing part of my watch biking home from work, and other miscellany which I won't discuss here) so in a way, I think this is the universe's way of evening things out... i just hope nothing super terrible happens now... cause this is really too much good luck.
But yeah, today is a GOOD!!!! day. I'll relax for a bit longer. Then go to the footie (aussie rules football, the great cultural experience) then hang out in the city briefly perhaps (maybe some shopping ;)) then meet my uncle for our traditional saturday afternoon drinks, then FIESTA! then home late, and bed.
ANd tomorrow i get to go rowing on the Yarra (our first regatta is in 2 weeks!) SO yeah, things are spiffy.

On a totally unrelated note, I finally finished Don Delillo's The Underworld. I started it (with some interuptions) for the second time in June. Now I'm on to William Faulkner's A Light In August. I think Slaughterhouse 5 will be next. If you have any other suggestions for good reading while in Oz land, please let me know. Okay readers... that's all for me. :) be happy, life is good.

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