Friday, August 1, 2008

week 7 i think (on selfish tram riders, baby dragons, and other miscellany)

Hello there faithful blog readers (all three of you). So we've been in aussie land for just over 6 weeks. It's hard to believe. Time has flown in places and stood still in others. And for you lucky rolly colly kids you'll be going back to school soon. Man, I'm actually jealous. I'm not going to miss classes- not just yet anyway- but I already miss the place and the people. And, I realized the other day that when I'm homesick, it's not for a place, it's for a certain feeling. I miss walking into a room, or walking up to someone and seeing them smile. Yep, I miss making people smile just by being me. No one here gets excited for me. And that makes me feel really weird. Yes yes, I realize how self-important and egotistical this all sounds.... but it's the truth. A guy walked up to the food court/cafe thing that I work at the other day and he smiled (and looked excited) when he saw me. And that made me happy. And that was how I realized the whole smiling reaction. Maybe in a few months I'll have found a new niche, but for now, I miss the old one.
Anyway, on to the main part of this blog- Selfish Tram Riders, well train riders too. Anyway, I ride a tram and a train to work every day, and then back again. And I've realized that some people, no matter how busy the tram, will sit on the outside seat, the one on the aisle, and put their bags on the seat next to them. And on the train someone will sit on the outside seat in a row of three. This means that a) people cannot sit even when 1 or 2 seats are open or b) they have to push past knees and bags and other stuff. And, this makes me angry. Why can't you just sit next to the window and let someone sit next to you. Most people on public transport don't bite... (most). Some look like they might. It just erks me, thats all.
Now, on to baby dragons. I had one living in my chest for about 3 days at the beginning of the week. I woke up Sunday morning (my day off) at about 11... yes, i slept in for once. And i had a sor throat. You know one of those that feels like someone has been rubbing sand paper up and down it for an hour. And this was a surprise because I hadn't felt sick the night before. Anyway, I drank lots of water and felt better. I then went running, and was having a very nice run along the nearby river when i realized I had forgotten to wake Ryan up for her job interview (I served as her alarm clock for about 2 weeks) she now has one thanks to bailey who sent her a nice little baby one all the way from Florida (that's love). Anyway I sprinted (well, jogged quickly) the 4 miles home only to find her already gone, to my relief. She was slightly annoyed with me later, but realized that it was not really my job to wake her up, so she couldn't get too mad.
Back to the small dragon. So monday night I didn't sleep very well, coughing, trouble breathing through my nose, even worse sore throat, etc. But I survived. Worked out Monday morning (pulled a 10k on the erg, be jealous Kim D.) And worked my cafe job, and coached soccer to obnoxious little kiddies and did everything i normally do. But then, I woke up tuesday and a little dragon had taken up residence in my chest, and he was compressing my lungs so i couldn't breathe, and he was blowing flames up my throat and out my ears, and he had one claw pinched on my nose and his tail wrapped around my forehead. It was rather a dreadful feeling. I slept in til 8, longer than usual. Didn't work out at all and drank lots of tea before trudging out of the hosue to work. The syrians who i work for were very concerned (the other main girl who works for them was off skiing). They gave me some sort of pain killers and instructions to get lots of rest and drink tea with lemon.
Well, i got off work and felt well enough to go to the movies with Ryan. We saw the new x-files movie. I was an x-files junkie at one point so it was very exciting for me. It wasn't a great movie, but it was entertaining and mulder and scully end up living together which is very cute for any x-files fan... so it was good enough for me.
And then i got lots of sleep and drank tea (no lemon though) and by the next morning my little dragon had said his farewells and moved on to someone elses chest. Hurray!
The rest of the week had been fine. Coached 2 more groups of obnoxious preppy little kids, went to a spinning class this morning, slept some and am going rowing tomorrow with Richmond Rowing Club. If you know me, you will understand how exciting this is... They go to head races til about december and then sprint regattas in the summer and then the season ends around march. WHich is when i will be about ready to return to the US of A. So it sounds pretty darn good to me!!!
Anyway, I'm off to wander the streets of Melbourne. Wish me luck with fending off future dragons and learning how to succesfully entertain and deal with obnoxious little kids.

1 comment:

Creature/Creator said...

You have a nice life right now doing the things you love. I am happy for you and jealous all at once!

This is the only blog I keep up with.